Who are the officers?
James (Jim) Day, President
Rock Lucas, Vice President
Randy Gibson, Treasurer
Rita Squires, Secretary
Robbin Moss, Social Chairwoman
Steve Gunter, Gamecock Club Executive Committee.
When does the club meet?
The club conducts business / board meetings a minimum of 4-6 times each year. Such meetings include reporting on current financial status, elections of officers, event planning and votes on where to contribute funds raised to certain athletic programs at the University of South Carolina. Meetings are held at various locations in Lexington or Columbia and can include guest speakers from the Athletic Department. In addition to business meetings, the club will host two to three fund raising events each year such as the annual Golf Tournament, Baseball Banquet and Garnet Girls Brunch.
How can I get involved?
Any member of the Gamecock Club is automatically a member of the Lexington Chapter. There are no chapter membership requirements other than that. Further, any fan whether a member or not can attend event that are sponsored by the Lexington County Gamecock Club. Club officers and board members however must be a member of the Gamecock Club and live in Lexington County.
If you have questions or would like to serve on the board or event committees, please complete your information on the following “Contact Us” page. An officer of the club will get back to you.